Health and fitness

why do physique athletes include strawberry in their meal  during contest prep?

We see a lot of athletes eating strawberries in their meal during their contest prep.
Well, there are a lot of reasons for that. Let's get started.

                              Strawberries consists of very low calories. 100g of strawberry contains only 32 Calories. So that's why athletes include strawberry in their meal.
                               You can eat strawberry in pre-workout meal/breakfast/Lunch. Most of the athletes like to take strawberry with oats so that they can get extra fiber and that makes it a perfect combination. However you can eat it with various foods protein shakes, oats, milk shake etc.

                                Strawberries are very high in water, so their total carb content is very low — fewer than 8 grams of carbs per 100 grams.
These are the high quality carbs which helps to give energy and pump during the workout.
Their carbs come from simple sugars — such as glucose, fructose, and sucrose.
However, the carbs also contains fibers which is beneficial to take. 

                                   Dietary fibers are important to feed the friendly bacteria in your gut and improve digestive health. They are also useful for weight loss and can help prevent many diseases. It has around 2 grams of fibers in 100 grams of strawberry.

                                   It contains certain essential vitamins and minerals which is highly needed to athletes. 
- FOLATE a.k.a vitamin b9